| AAPL Homepage | AAPL E-mail | AAPL Guestbook Central | Friends of the Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League Membership FormTo be eligible for Friends of AAPL membership, you must meet these three requirements:
While we certainly don't expect religious believers to share our lack of faith, we must insist that they respect our right to be "godless." Our expression of our various nontheistic views is not an invitation to be proselytized. Most of us were reared within a religious tradition, and our apostasy is not a result of our ignorance of these religions. We understand that most of our fellow pro-lifers are highly motivated by their deeply-held religious beliefs and work against abortion from this perspective, but we are all too aware of the inadequacy of this approach in the face of an opposition which does not share the same beliefs. By arguing against abortion from a secular, nonreligious point of view, we realize we occupy a vital position in the defense of the lives of the preborn, and we expect due support from others within the pro-life movement. We don't expect religious pro-lifers to accept our "godlessness," but we do expect them to tolerate it, especially when the goal we share is so important.2) oppose abortion and desire its abolition (with or without exceptions) Every abortion involves the destruction of an innocent human being's life, so abortion should be used, if at all, only in extreme cases. At a minimum, abortion should never be used as a substitute for contraception or a fallback position for irresponsible behavior. Accordingly, abortions for "convenience" should be illegal.3) support nonviolence as the sole legitimate means of achieving the goals of the pro-life movement Terrorism, murder, arson, and other horrific crimes are neither appropriate expressions of political protest nor effective means of political change. Anti-abortion extremist violence is the absolute negation of the work and goals of the pro-life movement. We oppose violence against all innocent human beings. We recognize the preborn child as an innocent human being deserving the protection that such status demands. We know that violence does nothing to secure the rights of the preborn. We reject violence as immoral and ineffectual. If you meet the eligibility requirements and would like to join Friends of the Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, please fill out this form ensuring that you answer all required questions -- Questions 1, 3, 5, 6a, and 6b if needed. If you're an atheist, agnostic, or other nontheist and would like to join the Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, please fill out an AAPL membership form. (Please note: All text frames have a 100 character maximum limit, so please be brief.)